
Saturday, March 8, 2008

Counts back up...in the snow!

My latest lab test showed improvement in my blood counts! One of the things I have been doing all along is keeping a pretty detailed record of my counts over the weeks. Here is a snapshot of the past 3 weeks and how it has moved up and down through chemo and recovery. The numbers at the top are what "normal" ranges should be in a person my age.

(The PLT count is actually pretty low; it should be over 100. Some of you remember when I had a blood transfusion, the PLT count was at 3).

I am now on the "upper end" of normal lows, which is pretty good. That means that for a chemo patient, they are pretty normal, but for a non-chemo patient, they would be pretty low. I feel much better today and am still a bit tired, but feel more energy today than in the past 2 weeks. I should start improving with each day as my body continues to replace much of the cell loss over the past 4 months. I have another test on Tuesday and Friday of next week.

I have several tests and dr. appts in Houston the week of March 18th at MD Anderson. These tests will indicate the current stage and ultimate results of the 4 months of chemo. Each of the last 3 tests have all showed no cancer growth and reduced tumor size in my medial stinal (chest) area, so I am looking forward to the same progression results. The tests in 2 weeks will also give a base-line for the radiation oncologists to recommend radiation in the next phase. As indicated by my oncologist, he recommends 4 weeks of radiation once chemo is completed. I should be able to start the radiation treatments the last week of March here in Fort Worth.

I am looking forward to the radiation treatments as the final stage of this incredible process. I have heard that radiation is not as intense as chemo, so I am hoping to be able to return to more normal activities during this treatment. ...can I remember what "normal" activities means?

It snowed here in Fort Worth on Monday and Thursday of this week. It has been so warm and sunny in the 60s and 70s for many days prior to this week. We all were getting use to the warmth and expecting Spring to be here for good. However, life can be unexpected at times! We enjoyed one more week of winter in Cowtown.... we will be longing for these days in August.


The End of All Sorrows said...

I'm thinking of you and Sandra. You are under the shadow of God's wings. May He give you the strenght you need today.

Anonymous said...


Way to go with the improved blood counts. I am so proud of you Jeff. You are so positive and have such a great attitude. We continue to pray for you,Sandra and Daniel.
Way to go Sandra with the Marathon. You go girl!!

Love you All,
Brenda,Tim and the 4 M's

Sheila said...

Glad to hear the counts are up. About this time four years ago, I was in the midst of my chem treatment for breast cancer and hated when my counts were out of whack. Not that there were a lot of things I was anxious to eat, but I hated the ban on fresh foods.

I look forward to reading about the day you complete the treatments and move onward. I would have to agree with those who say radiation isn't as intense as chemo. A month after I finished radiation, I was dancing at my son's wedding. Yes, there will be normal (or close enough) again.