
Friday, January 4, 2008

Feeling great today...

It's amazing what a few days makes. I feel great today. After earlier in the week being so rough, I have rebounded significantly today. I have been able to do quite a bit today around the house and some at work.

I will be entering the low cell count period (Friday - Monday) today through the weekend, so I will be vullnerable to infection as always, but am hopeful I can make it through without any hospital visits.

Just as a review. I am half-way finished with my chemo treatements. I started on Nov 14th (cycle 1) and I just finished on Jan 1st (cycle 3). I have 3 more cycles to go which come at 3 week (21 day) intervals. This will put me finished with chemo somewhere at the beginning of March. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel!

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