
Friday, December 28, 2007

Re-Staging results...

We just received the results of my re-staging tests at MD Anderson last week in Houston (Dec 19, 2007). These re-staging tests are used to determine the current state of my cancer and also determine if my current chemo protocol is working.

The bottom line is that by all tests performed, the chemo is working and most of the cancer has been greatly reduced or eliminated all together. Additionally, the cancer has not spread to other parts of my body (bone marrow, spleen, kidney, lungs, brain, liver, and other lymphnodes below my diaphragm).

Obviously, this is great news and I am incredibly blessed by how this is all going. I know it is due to all the support from the doctors, my family and friends who are praying for me daily and sending all the positive thoughts and encouragement. God has been so good to me so far and I am in His hands for the duration.

Have a great New Years and be thankful for all your blessings as I am!

Also, I have added a new video at the bottom of my blog. It is from my current stay here at Harris Methodist Fort Worth.

Take care!!!!


Sage said...


That is the greatest news! I was so encouraged when you made it home for Christmas. I had prayed specifically for that and your positive results. I know others had been praying the same.

God does answer prayers and he is in control.

Congratulations on the fantastic news.


Anonymous said...

I thank God that the chemo is being effective. We will continue to pray for perfect healing. We will also be praying for a covering over Sandra and Daniel.

We love you!

Bruce & Giner

Unknown said...

This is wonderful news!

Much Love!

Louanne said...

2 things-


Louanne, Mike and Nadia

Marsha said...

Hi Jeff, I found you on the net.
I am a fellow Texan and recently finished chemo for Large B Cell Lymphoma on Nov 6th of this year. I have the all clear so far, and hope you will soon get the same. Hang in there!

I blog at www.themarshalogues.blogspot.com if you are interested.


Anonymous said...

Jeff -

I just reviewed your latest entry. This is wonderful news!

I think of you often.

In my thoughts and prayers,

Anonymous said...


Praise God for the good news!

We continue to pray for you,Sandra and Daniel and think of you often.

Love,Carol and Vic Thomas

Anonymous said...

Man that's awesome! So glad and excited for the good news. Hope you can get some rest and have a great year in 2008! Hope to see you soon for breakfasts


Anonymous said...

Fantastic news Jeff. Something more than just New Years to celebrate tonight!! Keep getting better - we need you back...

Warren Matthews & family...

Anonymous said...


What great news!!! Continue to get your strength and fell better. Keep smiling!!
We Love you,
Tim,Brenda and the 4 M's

Anonymous said...


We are so happy for you and will continue to pray for you and your health.

The Bates